Week 2 Story: Squidward Tennisballs


Squidward Tentacles works unending hours at the Krusty Krab restaurant as a lowly cashier.  He labors day after day to make enough to achieve his dreams: winning a dance competition, playing music at the Bubble Bowl, and being a movie star.  However, his dreams are shattered each and every day as he only makes a nickel for every day he works. Squidward spends his free time as an artist, dancer, and musician.  He enjoys dancing painting and building sculptures of himself, as well as playing his clarinet.  Despite all of his hobbies, Squidward has no friends.  He does not want to associate with his neighbors, SpongeBob and Patrick, as they spend their days blowing bubbles and fishing for jellyfish.  He once had a friend named Howard.  Howard shared many interests with Squidward, such as playing the bassoon, enjoys fine art, and especially dislikes blowing bubbles.  However, SpongeBob and Patrick later convince Howard to blow bubbles with them, thereby taking the only friend that Squidward ever had.

One day, Squidward, feeling as if no one deserved to be his friend, finally creates his masterpiece: a self-portrait sculpture made out of wax.  He is found to be very satisfied with his profound work of art.  Days go by, and Squidward comes home after each and every day and he has a romantic dinner of casserole with his wax sculpture.  Squidward decides that he cannot take it anymore.  He knows that he is in love with wax sculpture.  He finally decides to go and visit the Flying Dutchman to persuade him to use his magic.

Squidward goes to the Flying Dutchman's ship.  He gives one of his most prized possessions, a self-portrait painting called "Bold and Brash", as an offering to the Flying Dutchman.  The Flying Dutchman sees the love that Squidward has for his wax sculpture and turns the wax sculpture into an octopus.  After paying tribute to the Flying Dutchman, Squidward comes back home to find that his sculpture was alive.  The alive sculpture felt the sheer love that Squidward gave to it.  Squidward names the alive sculpture "Squilvia".  Months later, Squidward and Squilvia finally get married and have a child named "Squiggle".

Photo of Squidward and Squilvia
This story is adapted from a Greek story where Pygmalion falls in love with an ivory figure that he makes.  He gives an offering to Venus(Aphrodite), and she makes the ivory figure into flesh.  My adaptation features characters from the cartoon "SpongeBob Squarepants".

Bibliography. "Ovid's Metamorphoses", translated by Tony Kline. Web Source


  1. Hello Nathaniel, My name is Devin and really enjoyed your story! I watched Spongebob throughout my childhood back in the day so I definitely can appreciate a good Spongebob Spin-off! I really enjoyed that Squidward was able to have a happy ending for once with the marriage and the child. I really enjoyed reading the story, keep up the good work!

  2. Nathaniel, SQUILVIA?! Hahaha, that was an awesome story, especially because the episode where Squidward makes a sculpture in the original show was one of my favorites. It was awesome to see that Squidward, a person that did not find joy in people and was probably the most pessimistic character of the show, found "someone" that he enjoyed the company of. You inspired me to look for parallels in these stories with cartoons that I grew up watching, something that I did not even think of!

  3. Hi Nathaniel! This definitely read like a quasi-mythological SpongeBob story haha. I could easily picture some future civilization, that doesn't know what Spongebob is, reading this story and taking it to be a myth about sea creatures. Kind of like some animal folktale stories that can be found in Chinese culture. In that sense, I really liked the structure of your story. However, I feel like it would've drew me in more if you wrote a little bit of dialogue between Squidward and the flying Dutchman. Especially since the Flying Dutchman has such a strong and stubborn personality. It would've been funny to hear what it's like for Squidward to beg him to magically bring a sculpture to life just because he was in love with it. Something that be funny in that respect would be Squidward trying to convince the Flying Dutchman to even take his portrait as payment lol. Since Squidward has always been somewhat of a rejected artist.

  4. Hi Nathaniel!

    I thought this story was incredibly cute! I watched SpongeBob as a kid and I always felt bad for Squidward. If you've ever worked in food service I think you identify with him and SpongeBob a lot. I like that this ended happily for him, and I really liked all of the references to different episodes! This was a really fun read and I look forward to reading more of your stories!


  5. Hi Nathaniel,

    First off i wanted to say that i liked your story since i am a fan of the Spongebob series (mainly the older episodes) and I love how you implement some of the classic episodes into your story and how you perfectly described the story of Pygmalion using the sculpture Squidward created in that particular episode. Did you consider having Spongebob and Patrick ever making sculptures of themselves just to also give Howard some companions that are just like him? Also did you consider making Squivella change Squidwards perspective on life to help him gain more friends? I was kinda confused as to how the flying dutchman turned Howard into an octopus and then the octopus then gets named Squivella, i think you should have just introduced them both as seperate characters. Overall it was a great story and is very nostalgic of my childhood, you did a great job!

  6. Hey Nathaniel! I just finished reading your story and I loved it! I really enjoyed how you incorporated the show SpongeBob SquarePants into the story, how creative! This story was a super easy and fun read. I liked how you incorporated some of the features of Squidward from the show and added them into your story. It brought me back to my childhood when I would watch this show for hours upon hours.

  7. Hey Nathaniel (Maybe Nathan?)

    I thought you put a really funny twist on a story where it could have been kind of morbid or even forbidden to all in love with yourself or an inanimate object. I thought using characters from Spongebob was really fun and a nice turn in events to anything I have read so far! This has been one of my favorite stories to date and I really hope that you end up writing more like it!

  8. Hi Nathaniel,
    I loved the story. I love how you made a variation of the life of Squidward and showed what he is. You showed how hew loves the art but also showed how he truly loved himself. You took it so far to make it where he married something of his own creation. I love all the narcissism in this story.

  9. Hi Nathaniel,
    I loved this story. as someone who loves spongbob i love how you used their characters to create tis story. It was fun reading it and relating it back to the original series. this story is super creative and had a great twist on it. its funny how he is so obsessed with himself and how all of his hobbies in this story are the same as in the show. great story!


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