Hello, my name is Nathaniel Vo. I am a sophomore Computer Engineering student here at the University of Oklahoma. One of my favorite things about Computer Engineering is that it is basically 50% Computer Science and 50% Electrical Engineering, so the courses never get too stale. One of my favorite things to do is to cook food. I pride myself on cooking low-cost good food. I am by no means a good cook, I just enjoy doing it in my spare time because I think it's really fun to do, it's a good skill to have, and it lets me express myself to other people. I love to cook for my peers and loved ones because it displays my love for them. I really enjoy listening to music in my free time. I find myself usually mainly listening to Christian music, but whenever I listen to secular music, I listen to indie rock and alternative rock. I like to play the bass guitar; back in my hometown of Broken Arrow, I played in the worship band for my church. I really enjoy watching television shows and movies. Some of my favorite TV shows are: "The Office", "Parks and Recreation", and "Freaks and Geeks". Right now, I am currently watching "Brooklyn Nine-Nine". I am currently only on Season one right now, but so far, I am really loving the show. I like to eat healthy food as much as I can, but I find myself really loving a nice steak on the occasion. I enjoy a good steak. I also really like to eat bananas. They're almost like a dessert to me. I actually really love mathematics. I've always had a knack for mathematics ever since a young age. I've finished all of the Calculus Classes, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. However, last semester when I took Calculus 3, it was so terrible that I questioned whether or not I even liked math anymore. But I took Differential Equations over the Summer, and I'm glad to say that I think that it was all a fluke. My career goals are to just get a stable job and settle down for adulthood. I'm not much of a book person. I somehow made it through both Junior and Senior year of High School AP Language and Literature classes without finishing a single book. Some books I read less than half of it. My grades were pretty bad because of this, but I still made it! Someday I'd really like to learn the guitar. I've messed around on guitars, but I've never owned my own guitar and hope to do so someday.
This is a picture of one of my favorite foods, the banana. |
Hi Nathaniel! I am Makenzi and I'm a senior Public Relations major. I, unlike you, am not gifted in the math and science department, but I am glad you have found your niche. I too have been cooking more recently since I am living in a house on campus. I really love going to target or sprouts to get healthier food. I really enjoy Christian music as well- have you ever listened to Bethel Music or Elevation Worship? They are my favorites and are super talented. Hope your semester goes well!
ReplyDeleteHI Nathaniel! Brooklyn nine-nine is also one of my favorite shows! I actually ended up writing an essay about it in one of my classes (I guess I only did that because I needed a good excuse to finish the show, hahah), just don't be like me and watch it when you should really be studying for finals, whoops. Low-cost good food is my favorite type of food! But then again, what college student doesn't like that?
ReplyDelete- Anna Margret
Hi Nathaniel,
ReplyDeleteI am also a computer engineering major and I agree that the combination of computer science and electrical engineering courses do keep things interesting. I actually had a similar experience with my math classes except it was differential equations that made me question whether I really enjoyed math (and whether I would have to retake the class) and Calc 3 that seemed relatively easy. I'm happy to hear that it worked out for you in the end. If you haven't already, you should check out the games made by Zachtronics.
Hi Nathaniel, my name is Ethan!
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I'm not good with technology lol. I like all types of rock as well though. I also love Brooklyn Nine-Nine! It's such a funny show! Eating healthy is definitely a priority of mine as well. However, I can't enjoy health foods the same way that it seems like you can. I need something sweet everyday lol. You should definitely pursue learning how to play guitar. My brother plays and he absolutely loves it!
I started out school as a math major too, Nathaniel, but I took a Russian language class and that changed everything for me; I realized that foreign languages were my thing. And I am a total bookworm, but I know that is not for everybody which is why I built this class around the idea of stories, hoping that every week you would come away with at least one really cool story that you would want to remember, either something you read (in the UnTextbook, in a classmate's blog), or maybe a story of your own that you wrote. Maybe you could do a project on the magical lore of numbers; pretty much all the numbers have special symbolic meanings in different cultures, and Wikipedia can be a great place to investigate... like the number four and the number five. The power of numbers! :-)
ReplyDeleteHey Nathaniel! I, too, love to cook, but I'm not saying that I'm a terrific chef! Cooking is always harder than it looks, but I have had to teach myself that I can't never cook a recipe again if it turns out awful the first time. I love watching videos from youtube channels that focus on cooking like Tasty and Bon Appetit because they teach cooking science in terms of your techniques, ingredients, and ratios, but they also take food so much further than that. They stress the importance of how the slightest variations in the recipe can make the biggest differences and you can leverage that to customize the recipe to your own liking. I love being able to be creative with my cooking and experiment with different flavors, costs, and levels of healthiness!
ReplyDeleteHi Nathaniel! I have no doubt that you pride yourself on cooking because it is a talent lost to many others, especially when it is so simple to get food delivered from anywhere at the touch of a button. Unlike you, I have never been gifted with math and often find myself avoiding any sort of responsibility dealing with numbers. So again, your accomplishments in math are something few can do, congratulations! Although we do not seem to operate the same, considering that I am a Public Relations major that spends a majority of my time writing, we sure do have the same taste in T.V. shows! Aside from The Office and Parks and Recreation I also really enjoy Freaks and Geeks as I just started watching it about 3 weeks go. Something I am quite jealous of is the amount of hobbies you have found great interest in, I could only hope to find two to name myself! I hope this year goes well for you and that you enjoy a break from computer and electrical engineering!
ReplyDeleteHi Nathaniel,
ReplyDeleteIt I very cool to meet you. I have never heard someone describe computer engineering as half computer science and half electrical engineering. On the subject of mathematics. I had the same problem. I almost didn’t pass calc 3 because I hated it. But as a math major I can tell you math is a hate love relationship because there are classes you will hate in math and others you will love. (The teacher can also make a difference). It was cool reading about you.
Hi Nathaniel! I think it is so cool that you can play bass guitar! I have always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but now I don't think I could find the time to learn a skill like that! I absolutely love the office! I enjoyed math too, but people would always give me this weird look when I told them that haha. Best wishes for the rest of your semester!!
ReplyDeleteHey Nathaniel. I am really impressed that you took all those math classes and still like it. I totally understand why you were skeptical about it after taking Calculus 3 because that sounds horrible. I also started to cook and love cooking the simple things because it's easy to make and honestly still taste good. Hopefully you do get to learn the guitar one day because I know some friends that learned and love it.
ReplyDeleteHey Nathanial!
ReplyDeleteYou sound super smart and I am so impressed by your major! It is so neat that you like to cook! I like to but I suck at it. I do watch a lot of cooking and baking videos on youtube though so I feel like an expert. Also, I am kind of addicted to the Great British Bake Off on Netflix and I always laugh at myself yelling at contestant that they are doing something wrong when I know how to do none of those things. It is definitely a good skill to have though.
Hi Nathanial! your major sounds super interesting but also really hard so good for you! It is awesome that you have so many passions and talents. i also love to cook and i think its really fun to try new recipes and to cook for people. my favorite is to cook with my mom at home. As far as me i am not musically talented at all so thats cool that you can play guitar, i am also from tulsa and love it. Goodluck with finishing your semester!